Transportation system

Although Bogota has changed a lot during the last ten years when the mayors tried to transform the city in to a more human place, thinking more in the persons, we still have a bad transportation system, based mainly in old and insecure buses. There’s a new system called Transmilenio of big articulated buses and stations similar to those of a metro, but this is not enough and a metro for Bogotá, a city of nearly eight million people, is still far from reality. Any way, if you visit Bogota you will have several alternatives and even traveling in a traditional bus will be something like an exotic experience.

5 comentarios:

  1. Acá en Santiago implementaron un sistema similar al Transmilenio (llamado Transantiago), pero como todo acá fue hecho a la rápida y en vez de un cambio paulatino, fue del día a la mañana. Resultado... el metro, que antes ofrecía un buen servicio y podías ir cómodo... ahora tienes que luchar para subirte en las horas punta.

    También se dijo que eliminarían esos buses (que más bien son camiones "enchulados"), pero nunca lo hicieron.

  2. Really great to see a Bogota blog. I have a friend who lives there and your blog brings me closer. Welcome to the City Daily Photo community.

  3. Thanks Jilly. I hope you enjoy next posts and be closer to my city. Hugs from Bogotá.

  4. I'm learning more every day. Thanks for your interesting comments along with the photos.
